Hamlet Hill Winery 

past project


  • Winery Design:  Hamlet Hill's unique circular design, is set into a hillside. This “earth-solar” construction saved $100,000 on heating and cooling systems.
  • Vineyard Consulting: WineryPlan managed Hamlet Hill's vineyards, planted on a glacial drumlin.
  • Winemaking:  WineryPlan supplied all necessary equipment and offered expert winemaking consultancy. Hamlet Hill Riesling won the top award at the San Francisco International Wine Competition, contributing to our wines earning more than 80 national and international accolades for excellence.
Design Challenges Faced
  • Challenge: How to provide excellent visitor access without high costs
  • Solution: Without sacrificing valuable production space, WineryPlan designed a tour path providing full visitor access and no disruption of winemaking operations. Construction cost savings: $150,000.
  • Challenge: The State Department of Health required a costly industrial-grade wastewater treatment system, costing an estimated $175,000
  • Solution:  We convinced the Health Department to accept a successful, and less expensive design we had developed. WineryPlan saved Hamlet Hill $125,000.

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WineryPlan can help you set up, streamline, or expand your winery and vineyard operations. Let us give you the benefit of our 30 years’ experience in the wine industry.